10 Of The World’s Best Horse Breeds

10. Carolina Marsh Tucky

One of the most useful horse breeds when it comes to living a long season into the woods in winter. They are easy to keep and can survive the toughest conditions than any horse can ever do. They are the real survivors with larger feet and gracious head. You can use them for any purpose you want, from ploughing to riding to go for a town it offers all that you need.

9. Arabian Horse

This horse is the champion of all steeds. He has proven worthy to survive the harshness of a desert. His strength comes from a way he follows the command of his rider. White Arabians born dark, must grow light in colour before they are ready for the test of their skills. Few thirst enough for a radiant to become drinkers of the wind. The dark horse when turns white, is full of wisdom and strength and is ready for flying in the desert winds.

I think people are fascinated with the Arabian horse because of their extreme beauty but yet also being incredibly athletic. You cannot walk by an Arabian horse without stopping to look at him. The most special thing about them is they love their riders; they recognise them as being their person. Undoubtedly, they are much more affectionate than a lot of other horses.

Some historians say that it goes all the way back to the Bedouin days when these horses lived in the tents with their people. They used to eat and sleep with their people and a lot of people think that’s where their affection for human beings began. They are incredibly smart, and one of the most versatile horse breeds around the world.

8. Morgan Horse

The Morgan’s grace and beauty lend itself well to all forms of equitation. You’ll quickly appreciate what an excellent riding horse and saddle companion the Morgan horse is. The Morgan horse is a breed with a rich history and exceptional heritage. It has evolved through more than two hundred years of commercial and pleasure use. However, has amazingly retain the inherent characteristics that made it legendary in the late 1700s.

Today, this breed represents one of the versatile horse breeds on the planet whether you are looking for a trail or pleasure riding companion or competitive sports horse or looking for a competitive show horse you’ll find all of these attributes and suitability in the Morgan Horse.

7. Friesian Horse

In 1913, there were only three Friesian stallions in the pedigree register. At that time the situations seemed hopeless but thanks to Friesian breed centres in Netherlands that this extraordinary breed still exists. It’s a very special breed with the very special character. They have a gentle nature; you can call them the Harley Davidson of horses. They are amazingly beautiful horses with fantastic bodies; they haven’t got a single bad bone in their body.
In the early 20th century, the Friesian horse became known as the horse for sport and leisure; it was used more and more and usually as a coach or a horse for riding but in 1980’s people began using them in shows and competitions. They became more and more popular and are now one of the most fascinating horse breeds on the planet.

6. Gypsy horse

There are very few of them left, and every one of them is a treasure. They are beautiful, fast, powerful and have everything and more you look for in a perfect horse. Gipsies love when you touch them; they are extremely friendly and bondable. When I start thinking about these horses, I get goose bumps in my stomach as they are so beautiful and mighty. They are probably one the most magical horse breed, I have ever witnessed and are the symbol of British romance since the 20th century.

5. Marwari Horse

This horse breed is known as the breed of battle. Their ears revolve to catch the slightest of sounds, and that’s what made them the most reliable ride in the battlefields. There was a time when British forces were stunned by their huge number of failures in their assassination plans in the indo-Pak subcontinent. Every time they used to send someone to assassinate any Mughal general, their hidden agent never returned alive.

The reason behind their repetitive failures was the Marwari horses under the saddles of Mughal generals. Since Marwari horses have quite sensitive ears, they used to revolve their ear in the direction of the slightest of sound and whenever they sense something approaching towards them, the frequency of their ear’s revolution begins to increase that at that time acted as an indicator for a Mughal general telling them that there was some danger around, and that helped them to anticipate with the situations in those times. This is one of the most active and power horse breeds around the world.

4. Orlov Trotter

The Orlov breed was created in the late 18th century to satisfy the need of an enduring and fast horse. These are one of the fiercest horse breeds in the world. Furthermore, their brilliant history has made them a symbol of the royalty of Russia. They got their fame from the historic wins they got their riders in the world’s most famous competitions. The Orlov Trotter is undoubtedly was and has been the king of the track since the 19th century.

3. Hackney Horse

When it comes to the most beautiful and elegant horse breeds in the world, then Hackney horses are second to none. They are known as the hi-steppers of the horse kingdom. Certainly, they are the most attractive of all the horse animals. These horses inherit their fine action and qualities but still need skilful training. So, after the charm of some 12 to 13 weeks training, the most elegant horse becomes ready to make some long jumps in the racing ground.

2. Andalusian Horse

This is one of the most beautiful and loyal horse breeds with a very big heart. They are so generous that sometimes they’ll try to give you even what they don’t have. There is a poem usually associated to them, so I think you might like reading this;

Ay, the Marianas of the Donada, where I want to live and die…..
To Awaken in the morning, among the salt wart and the wetlands….
The dunes and the Guadalquivir….
In the low lands among the lagoons, galloping towards the sunlight….
The Andalusia run and jump with their chestnut fawns….
In the distance, a jack rabbit leaps with a dog in close pursuit….
And in the breeze of the Marisma, the imperial eagle flies….
And in the lowing of the bulls is the echo of a song……
Ay, the Marianas of the Donada, where I want to live and die…..

Ride these majestic horses yourself on one of Equestrian Escapes’s outstanding trips to Andalucia. You have the option to improve your equestrian skills and confidence around horses in the gorgeous hills of Malaga, you will be offered a mixture of lessons and trail rides under the careful guidance of our excellent instructors and see significant improvement in your riding capabilities during your stay. There is instruction for beginners and also instruction available for more experienced riders to try some high school movements on well trained Andalusian horses.

Equestrian Escapes specialises in riding holidays in the Andalucian region of Southern Spain. Our horse riding holiday in Spain can be tailor made to suit all ages and cater for all different riding experiences. View a selection of our trips below.

This horse riding holiday in Spain is perfect for combining horse riding with a spectacular show at The Royal Riding School. As well as the trip to The Royal Riding School we can also organise a variety of other trips for you on this riding holiday.

1. Irish Thoroughbred

When an Irish thoroughbred mare gives birth to a baby horse, there is a silent expectation. A jiffy of hope that this horse will be the one, whose very physical makeup could give them an edge over their peers when it comes to stamina and speed. This is one of the horse breeds that has been designed and been perfected over the last 250 years specifically for that one horse that can beat the world. They are the winners of the horse kingdom when it comes to elegance, endurance and speed. Certainly, it is one of the most fascinating horse breeds on the planet.

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